As time goes on we are constantly changing and everything around us is changing. Change sometimes can be frowned upon by many certain people for all kinds of different reasons, or can be embraced and accepted. Look at our president and his campaign slogan, Hope and Change. This new era that I am growing up in is changing faster than any other before. Just take a look around you and realize all that is constantly changing.
Change- undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature
One of the most significant change of this day and age from the past ones is the use of books. I hate to say it but they just aren’t as useful anymore. I wish it weren’t that way, but I have no control. All the books in the world have so much wisdom and creativity in them it’s a shame that the people of this generation don’t understand that. But you see, the replacement of these books is the computers and the internet. We can find all we ever wanted anytime of the day and with out the hassle of going to “check out” a book of reference.
Change-cause to change; make different; cause a transformation
Along with this change of how to use/find references, comes more change. “Blogging” or “Blogs” is another notable change. As the new age of writer emerges, they post many useful stories, ideals, philosophies, some under their real names and other under anonymous user names. These new writers are writing for millions of people, when before it was for only a few. Millions can disagree or agree, and that is what is so great, the vast varying ideas of the world, it is one of the most interesting things to see how much people disagree on. As we make things easier and easier we will get more and more input, and by some times more people talking and debating may improve many things… The Wisdom of Crowds- James Surowiecki
Change- variety: a difference that is usually pleasant
As I catch myself spending hours a day browsing the blogs of people all over the world and reading all their varying ideas and stories, I see that this is the change, the change from old to new, the change from a few to many. “Few to many.”
Change- undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature
One of the most significant change of this day and age from the past ones is the use of books. I hate to say it but they just aren’t as useful anymore. I wish it weren’t that way, but I have no control. All the books in the world have so much wisdom and creativity in them it’s a shame that the people of this generation don’t understand that. But you see, the replacement of these books is the computers and the internet. We can find all we ever wanted anytime of the day and with out the hassle of going to “check out” a book of reference.
Change-cause to change; make different; cause a transformation
Along with this change of how to use/find references, comes more change. “Blogging” or “Blogs” is another notable change. As the new age of writer emerges, they post many useful stories, ideals, philosophies, some under their real names and other under anonymous user names. These new writers are writing for millions of people, when before it was for only a few. Millions can disagree or agree, and that is what is so great, the vast varying ideas of the world, it is one of the most interesting things to see how much people disagree on. As we make things easier and easier we will get more and more input, and by some times more people talking and debating may improve many things… The Wisdom of Crowds- James Surowiecki
Change- variety: a difference that is usually pleasant
As I catch myself spending hours a day browsing the blogs of people all over the world and reading all their varying ideas and stories, I see that this is the change, the change from old to new, the change from a few to many. “Few to many.”
change; we dont like it, we fear it, but we can't stop it from coming. we either adapt to change or we get left behind. and it hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesnt is lying. but heres the truth: the more things change, the more they stay the same. and sometimes change is good. sometimes, change is ... everything
I read more with the internet, but books will always be part of my life. I read every night before bed. I read on vacation. I read while waiting in line. I read in the hospital bed, the automobile, and eating alone in restaurants. They fit in our hand and our pocket.
A good novel creates a new reality for us. A good nonfiction book builds a web of connections for us.
Books will reinvent their relevance.
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