Days after the whole world is plastered with the news of our most noble baseball stars enhancing himself in illegal ways, and weeks after one of the best swimmers ever to swim the earth is caught smoking pot in a college dorm room I started to think. I think about the Greeks
I think the Greeks understood a lot more than we give them credit for. These people understood just because you are in the lime light doesn’t absolve you from being human at all. In fact this is the point in many of their stories. Think about it, most of these heroes have one fatal flaw that always seems to come back and is the one thing that ruins them. It is almost a wise lesson hidden within the clever stories. The lesson I think is that no matter how far we think we have become, as a person, we are always going to be human, we will always have human feelings and we will all act in ways that are human. Heroes are what we make them, no one chooses for heroes to be the accurate picture a flawless human being.
Who are you to blame? Do you understand these fatal flaws? Look at these stories a little closer please. Alex Rodriguez took a substance that was going to make him bigger, faster and stronger. You know why he took this? This was a man who had such high expectations to live up too and didn’t want to let anyone down. He is a man trying to make himself the best he can at his job, and he had to do what he had to do. I don’t see this a bad choice in his career, look how it worked out for him thus far. Now I am not at all saying that I believe that this illegal drugs should be legal, but I am asking the question how can you attack someone with such force when all he was trying to do is increase what he is worth, become better and maintain his job.
Michael Phelps caught smoking marijuana(Americas No. 1 Cash Crop) in a college dorm. He is 23 years old. This in itself is a fatal flaw. When I person is forced to grow up too fast you miss an extremely well defining period in your life which I believe is needed to remain sane for the rest of your life. He just came back from a different country with the most gold medals won EVER. This man is on top of the world. He didn’t think that anything could bring him down. It did. His fatal flaw.
By the Greek standards these men are still considered heroes, fatal flaws included, and I tend to agree….
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.-Gandhi
1 comment:
Yes, I agree. Rarely do people look beyond the actions of someone in the limelight and they just judge them right away. In other words, people just fail to put themselves in other people's shoes.
A very good read man.
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