Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Tonight I was sitting down relaxing on my bed and watching fox news like always shaking my head at Sean Hannity, and they brought up a story about Baitullah Mehsud, the Pakistan Taliban leader and he promises an attack on Washington D.C. and he claims it will “amaze” the world. This hit home with me for some reason… I usually brush these promises off right along with all the other jargon that Hannity speaks. But this one for some reason just scared me. And the more I am thinking about it the more its starting to make sense, For some reason I jumped ahead in my life to the time when I will have a family, and I thought in about 10 years will it be a responsible thing to have a kid, when attacks like this are all ready being promised? This is quite an uneasy feeling and has got me up late thinking about it. I don’t understand why killing people for small disagreements makes any sense at all. Well I guess that makes more sense killing people in your “creators” name. : (


This is getting more and more out of hand, when is something going to change, when are peoples eyes finally going to open and see what is and has been in front of them for hundreds of years.... this is sicking

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Pope Says...

The leader of all Catholics recently visited Africa, to bring more religion to the struggling African nations. According to who knows what data he said there are 135 million Catholics and is still trying to bring in more. But what really caught me off guard was the fact that he said that "AIDS is a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, and that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems". Translated..... That condoms are worsening the spread of AIDS. This is completely contradictory to everything i have learned in school... O'well its fine, someday the pope will de-credit scientific proof through out the Catholic community too.... o wait? :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Go Ahead

As a complete stranger and I came rolling to the stop sign simultaneously, I saw the old man gesture out the window. The gesture is the worldwide sign for “go ahead” and I didn’t think anything of it at first. But after thinking about it for one second… it really got me thinking for some strange reason. What I noticed about the man waved me on was that he was a pretty old man, most likely around 65, but still very lively. This was the first time that I had noticed that an older man waved me on and it was kind of startling to me, I have taken noticed before when for example women or, kids that look about 12 have waved me on but not an old man. The fact that this man waved me along and didn’t just take his normal stubborn old man “ I was first “ mentality was a good thing to see…. The point that I am trying to get at is that I stumbled upon the reason that teenagers (boys especially) love to finally get behind the steering wheel of a car, its because they are beginning to be looked at like everyone else and that is important. And now nearing the day of high school graduation I cant wait for the teachers that have looked at me like the 12 year old behind the steering wheel, might finally wave me on because they see me as an equal..

Have a good day