As I sit here in the o’ so normal spot at 12:30 on a Sunday night, surrounded by constant music ranging from Dj Tiesto to the eagles I have no choice but to reflect on the all things that have happened to be over this “holiday break” that we have come to know. I witness so many things that raise so my questions to me, but I am unable to remember them for when I get home to blog about them…. I need to improve upon this. But one of the main topics that raised my eyebrows a bit is the whole celebration of the new year. This got me really thinking, as I was standing in a room with none of my close friends but all of my new friends. Many things were going through my head at this time, one is the fact that all of us have a limited time on this earth and was questioning the fact upon why we celebrate yet another year gone? I soon realized… why not? Why not celebrate this occasion, nothing Is going to stop it from happening. Embrace things you cannot stop, and learn quickly that you cannot stop them.
I also noticed something truly insane… as I was sitting in a car with one of my new best friends in the entire world I looked over and thought about how we met… I started to try and piece together my night and try to exactly pinpoint how I ended where I did that night. I came to the conclusion that I cant recall at all what I did or why I decided to go where I did. As I did this I started to think about all the little actions that we make (some subconsciously) and how much they affect your lives. Its insane to me to think that I cant remember how I ended up at the house where I met this person… was it a text message, was it the person riding in the car with me.? What if I didn’t go? Where would I be at now instead? I am just purely amazed by the fact that the things so small that everyone just brushes off could make such a monumental difference in ones life. Truly amazing, make note of all the things you do today…. Take some chances, say yes to something (thanks Jim Carrey), do something you wouldn’t normally, just remember that everything that you do affects something that will happen later…. Always remember that….. Sleep well :)
I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime.-Elisabeth Kübler-Ross:
as you get older, every choice that you make defines who you're going to turn into...
So you broke up with one of your best friends but now you have a new one? This seems sketchy. You had everything with this girl. You guys spent everyday together. I think she is soley responsible for this change in you. She helped you gain maturity and the responsiblity of growing up. You know this. She WAS your bestfriend. But yet now you have a new one? This new girl is nothing. She is a replacement. There is no way that this girl can go from being one of your friend's love interests to your new girlfriend and "best friend" without having some time spent together with your other best friend/ex-gf. Are you trying to fill a void here or what? Because to me it seems like there always has to be someone there. And it always seems to be a girlfriend/best friend. I am not saying that having a best friend is bad, whatsoever. All I am saying is how can you jump? HOw can you move on so quickly from one girl to another? I personally feel this new girl and new "best friend" is a replacement. Sorry if that is harse or rude but we are all being open and honest here and that's my truth. Don't hide from what you feel. And don't do things unless you want to do them. Don't surround yourself with people you don't know and aren't comfortable around. Because trust me, you will look back on your senior year and regret this. The end.
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