Today as I woke up at 7:30, later than usual, I stalled a bit before rolling out of bed for about 5 min and stared up at the ceiling and just thought about what I have been doing for the last 13 years of my life. I have been basically in the same mode since kindergarten. Sure there are always sometimes when the schedule takes a turn for the better of the worse, but it is all basically the same. As senior year rolls around I am beginning to think what I am I doing..? I think this often when I see so much of the world on TV and on the computer. I just think to my self, I need to be doing something different. I need something new, and soon, this time right now is so extremely tedious and boring I can’t stand it for much longer. I am so glad that I have a couple of friends that feel the same way. I feel like we reach a point where you just sort of retain a negative stand point on about everything, this is now. I walk around and start to realize why did I ever like this person, or why did I even try to be friends with them. Right now I am confused if people change or I am the one who is changing…
you’ll never leave where you are until you decide where you’d rather be...
boredom is in between being in a coma and having an erection
-just something i heard from a song and your blog made me think of it
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