Let me first explain myself to, who ever may be reading. I am not the type of person that likes to be over dramatic about thing. I see both sides of every story, its what I pride myself on. These are just my random thoughts that I get running through my head, when I am doing nothing in high school.
Today while sitting in class an announcement comes over the intercom, dismissing all seniors for a lame cap and gown meeting. At this meeting we learned about all the cool, over priced, pretty much pointless goodies you can buy from the company. This was one of those occasions that you were just mad that you had to come too in the first place. Then one of my favorite associate principals (complete sarcasm) was handed the microphone. I don’t remember much about what he was trying to say to us, but I caught the part about the fees being around $32. Then we said with a more stern voice if you don’t rent this and look like the other 435 other students you will not walk. Walk referring to the walking across the stage at graduation ceremony, Walk symbolizing your entire high school career in a few moments. This for some strange reason got me thinking so much. I hear grown people talking about how they remember their walk. We see countless movies about it, and hear vitamin C sing about it every may. This struck me has hard to comprehend, as I have spent a huge portion of my life walking down the halls it comes down to me spending 32 dollars to receive the credit for doing it. For all the money I have spent in those halls ways, on those lunches it all comes down to me spending 32 more dollars to not have to spend any more. For all the time, effort I have put into everything was involved in, it all was worth 32 dollars? “its just $32” said someone sitting next to me, reacting to my confused/almost angry look. I responded with…. that’s the point its just $32 experience one of the best experiences (so I have been told) of your life. One of the best experiences of your life should have no dollar amount attached to it. Sorry if I ramble but hearing that just made me go into my (question everything) modes.
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