Thursday, October 30, 2008
About Time
This has been the worst political commercial season i have seen, and have heard numerous people agree. This is starting to scare me, how crazy some people can get when electing a president. This is an extremely important matter i realize this, but i understand that when John McCain or Barack Obama get elected, life will go on, things will change, some good, some bad. I have also come to realize that it will be a different place no matter who is elected, and no one goes into office trying to screw things up. This is what scares me about John McCain, he needs to realize that to some people he is becoming an extremely reliable source, powerful as well. It seems as though he is not aware of that and assumes every one has an equal intelligence of his or the majority of the united states. Some people cannot think for them selves, you will be surprised how many there are, they believe what they are told. They have no interest in seeing the opposite side of the story, or the facts that are right under there nose. John McCain needs to step up realize what he is saying, who he is saying it too, and fix that false accusations that have been put upon senator Barrack Obama.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
32 Dollars

Let me first explain myself to, who ever may be reading. I am not the type of person that likes to be over dramatic about thing. I see both sides of every story, its what I pride myself on. These are just my random thoughts that I get running through my head, when I am doing nothing in high school.
Today while sitting in class an announcement comes over the intercom, dismissing all seniors for a lame cap and gown meeting. At this meeting we learned about all the cool, over priced, pretty much pointless goodies you can buy from the company. This was one of those occasions that you were just mad that you had to come too in the first place. Then one of my favorite associate principals (complete sarcasm) was handed the microphone. I don’t remember much about what he was trying to say to us, but I caught the part about the fees being around $32. Then we said with a more stern voice if you don’t rent this and look like the other 435 other students you will not walk. Walk referring to the walking across the stage at graduation ceremony, Walk symbolizing your entire high school career in a few moments. This for some strange reason got me thinking so much. I hear grown people talking about how they remember their walk. We see countless movies about it, and hear vitamin C sing about it every may. This struck me has hard to comprehend, as I have spent a huge portion of my life walking down the halls it comes down to me spending 32 dollars to receive the credit for doing it. For all the money I have spent in those halls ways, on those lunches it all comes down to me spending 32 more dollars to not have to spend any more. For all the time, effort I have put into everything was involved in, it all was worth 32 dollars? “its just $32” said someone sitting next to me, reacting to my confused/almost angry look. I responded with…. that’s the point its just $32 experience one of the best experiences (so I have been told) of your life. One of the best experiences of your life should have no dollar amount attached to it. Sorry if I ramble but hearing that just made me go into my (question everything) modes.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Final Frontier

As I was sitting in my A.P. Environmental science class yesterday we started talking about how much we know about the world around us. We started talking about what we knew and about what we didn’t know. Then I really started to think hard about this subject. Then moments after I caught my teacher contradicting himself, or in my opinion, he did. He called Space the final frontier; I seem to disagree with this. This is because earlier in the class room discussion we talked about all we knew and he said that we know more about the surface of the moon, then we do about our own ocean floor. How can this space we talk about be the final frontier when we have already reached it with human beings and it so far away. Our ocean is the most mysterious thing that we have on this planet. We can touch the ocean yet we still don’t have the technology to study it in depth as we are with outer space. It scary to think that we haven’t even explored all there is to explore on this planet and we are already trying to study all the others, sure it might be more interesting but I don’t like the fact that there are unknowns about the planet that I live on. But maybe that’s what makes it so interesting and mysterious. Have a good day…
Monday, October 20, 2008
College Admissions

Tis the season that I am receiving 10-12 letters each day about how great this college in the middle of no where is. I have learned that this is one of the most stressful times I have been through thus far. They try to prepare us in high school for what we need to know, and if we don’t do good enough we are out of luck, demeaned unable to have a successful future. When in reality it is all a game, a game where people learn how to work to the system in there favor. But to me it is amazing how one person can change everything for you in these automatic grade books we call computers. Seriously to think about how much control high school teachers have over our lifeline to success (grades) is somewhat scary. A couple of changes in each of the computer of every class room, I am now saving 13,000 dollars a year. To recall all the pointless busy work I have acquired over the years that I have not bothered to turn in is now depressing to me. Then many of my friends are so consumed in how there transcripts look to colleges that it is completely taking over there life and it is sad to me. And I can confidently say that I would put my smarts up against there any day, in any situation. But because they spent 2 hours more a night, there GPA is better than mine and then receive a couple thousands more than I do, which the ones I am talking about probably have about 100,000 in there own personal bank account. I just feel as though the school system right now is not working the way they had in mind. I wish that some employers some day will be able to look past the fact that I didn’t get into the college that I wanted because my high school teacher didn’t like me, and in returned ruined my GPA, therefore “not being ready to move on.” (just an example) I think that to really have an accurate reading on who is successful in this area of matter is no longer paper tests, but the skills needed to live in the world and to perform the one maybe two tasks that you will need to know for your job. Never will happen but just had to let off some steam before heading to bed… Goodnight
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Points of View
This video I stumbled across might look at first glance another stupid teenage you tube video, think again. This video has so much creativity with the perfect amount of humor. They balance it out perfectly in this video. The video I think is so cool because we have all seen the movie the matrix and the distinctive fight scenes and this puts it into a incredibly simple way of showing us how it is done. This video reminds me of geometry class and how we are supposed to learn how to rotate figures in our heads, most kids have an extremely hard time with this task, and I think that after watching a video like this you start to see the scene from different points of view. This is an extremely important trait to acquire, seeing others points of view and understanding where they are coming from. This video, to me, just re emphasizes that everyone sees something from a different point of view, and thinks it makes the most sense how they are viewing it, and have a hard time seeing what others do. I have to remind myself of this daily because of my constant opinions I have on everything around me. Its scary how a stupid video like this can get me talking about morals and life lessons.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
This is AMAZING...
This is one of the most ridiculous things i have seen in awhile. This election has gotten so out of hand the last couple of weeks that it makes me think about not voting all together. Maybe i have only noticed this negativity because i have actually been following this election and the candidates for quite some time now. And now that i have looked back on some of the things McCain has said in recent rallies and such, i think that what is happening with his supporters is what he wanted, maybe not to the extent, but this is it. In recent speeches i have heard Sarah Palin numerous times linking Barrack Obamas name to "terrorist", and being the super politicians the are people believe them. This is so scary to me, that people that we are supposed to trust just go out and carelessly use extremely meaningful words to maybe not the most educated crowd. I will say it takes a lot of John McCain to step in and correct the woman, he earned a lot of respect from me for doing that. But i think you ask for it when you dont choose your words wisely and put out false statements. The thing i worry about now is that i haven't seen much of this from the obama campaign, and the only reason why this worries me is that i know that the "nice guy" always finishes last.... lets HOPE that the nice guy wins this one
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Blog Topics
This is my blog, this blog is my own personal blog that i can write about anything that i desire. There is a couple of differences i have noticed already from my blog and the conventions of the others that i have seen thus far. The ones that we have been browsing for the past couple weeks seem to have a very distinct topic about them, whether it be about politics, tattoos, movies, science, religion of any other topics for review/discussion. That seems to be the greatest difference between mine and the rest. Rather than pick one topic that i will try to devote my whole blog too, i am going to work it exactly how my mind works. This could be interesting but i think that it will end up better than a one topic sort of thing. Now instead of confirming what my blog is going to be about i will tell you some of my interests and maybe that will lead you on some sort of path to where iam going to take this. I am very intrested in people, they are the most intersting things on this planet, sit and watch them for a bit and you will understand. Music, i think that music is one of the most important things on this planet, and there are so many people who can put flawless lyrics to melodies that just make life worth more. Science, the truth of what actually goes on to make this world go around, and the way we use science to make life more enjoyable through video games :) Movies, so many good ideas out there that no one has seen. Those are some of the subjects that iam most intrested in, now dont be thrown for a loop when i throw something out of the odrinary in there due to the world around us. Example, The election is coming up soon and i think i need to express some points of view in there as well.... hope you keep reading :)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Well Hey

Interesting name choice i know... i was sitting in last hour and staring off into space and this song by incubus came on my ipod. Aqueous Transmission and i really sat there for about 20 min, just thinking about that title. It really jumped out at me for some reason, no personal reasoning just really like the name.
Lyrics: I'm floating down a river
Oars freed from their holes long ago
Lying face up on the floor of my vessel
I marvel at the stars
And feel my heart overflow
Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river
Two weeks without my lover
I'm in this boat alone
Floating down a river named emotion
Will I make it back to shore
Or drift into the unknown
Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river
I'm building an antenna
Transmissions will be sent when I am through
Maybe we'll meet again further down the river
And share what we both discovered...
Then revel in the view
Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river
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