The leader of all Catholics recently visited Africa, to bring more religion to the struggling African nations. According to who knows what data he said there are 135 million Catholics and is still trying to bring in more. But what really caught me off guard was the fact that he said that "AIDS is a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, and that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems". Translated..... That condoms are worsening the spread of AIDS. This is completely contradictory to everything i have learned in school... O'well its fine, someday the pope will de-credit scientific proof through out the Catholic community too.... o wait? :)
I think the Pope said that condoms aggravate the problem because distributing condoms means having sex is okay and according to the Catholic religion, and many more, premarital sex is frowned upon. Condoms means sex and sex means the spreading of AIDS. I think he was trying to say abstinence will cure AIDS.
I agree somewhat with the last comment but i think the problem that he is getting at is abstinence. The thing is that abstinence is not that realistic and to say that the only real good substitute makes the problems worse kind of knocks people sideways...
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