I experienced an extremely difficult situation to understand this week, i have been thinking about it non- stop for the past couple of days. Actually thinking about it to the point where it is hard to sleep and makes my stomach have a constant nervous feeling, it is a terrible thing. This was my experience, my best friend for about 5 months and i are now not speaking, not visiting, not communicating in any way. This can really do some harm to the moral of any human being. Its hard for me to grasp the fact of breaking up...
This was one of the most difficult experiences i have been through thus far in my short inexperienced life. The thing that really makes me wonder is how a simple title, "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" change the way the society as a whole looks at you. Its and idea, a concept, a word, not a tangible object like a wedding ring. But this title has more power than you would ever believe. This title of boyfriend/girlfriend makes you choose what you do with you free time differently, makes you spend money differently, makes other people look completely different at you. And the most powerful of all turns people completely against you when it is removed. The thing that i am having such a hard time with, is the fact the my best friend that quite possibly knows more about me than even my parents, is just gone. That gives me such an uneasy feeling it makes me sick. The only reason i decided that this "relationship" was not gonna work was because of distance. Then i start to realize that this is quite depressing... I in reality lost one of my best friends and mutual friends because of an hour car ride. For some reason it doesn't stack up for me. I guess what i am getting at is that relationships should be saved for those who are a little more mature, and in the time in their life when having a significant other is vital. Because what you get out of it, which is a lot, is not worth what you are going to lose...... have a good night :/
From one of my best friends... Do what makes you happy :)
I must tell you Josh, I have known you since the sixth grade, and every time I talk to you, I see what a truly remarkible person you are. I gotta tell you I understand how being in a relationship can change you. I get alot of crap about my relationship, because we've been together a year and I'm almost two years older then him. And as difficult as it gets sometimes, hes my best friend and we know eachother, and know more about eachother then any person on this earth. I just thought I'd tell you, it was like you went into my head, came out and wrote down what you got. Thanks for that :)
josh you are one of my most favorite people to talk too and have been since the first time i ever approached you. life throws curveballs at you sometimes and i know its rough (as all love is) but you've got to step up to the plate and do your best to hit the curveballs that life throws at you. it will only get better with time trust me i would know. my advice to you would be to sit down with someone you love, no not mom or dad, but a friend who cares for you and who you know will listen. it will help i promise.
heart, .....
Josh, you are among the people in my life that have influenced me so much. you are gifted, smart, talented, and caring. i often regret not telling you how i felt about you more often. you have left a deep impression on me and my heart. i will never forget your smile and the way you put yourself out there for people to see just how amazing you are. i have been in this situation and i know exactly how you feel. just let it all loose now, express it all and breathe. you don't deserve frown. keep your smile, because we all love it.
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