There is a very touchy subject that has been debated over for many years; it is the discussion over abortion. This has so many critics and supporters for each side. This seems to be one of the discussions that no good can come from, because you either feel real strongly against the idea, somewhat in the middle, or think it is a good idea. Everyone has their own opinion on the matter and really has no time for the other parties. I personally believe that if the mother cannot provide the baby a good life for the child it should be her decision if she wants to keep the child or not. But as you all know I am more than capable to see where the other side is coming from and how that would make some people every angry. I tend to look at things with the big picture in mind.
But the one thing that bothers me about the people you stand on the corners and demonstrate that abortion should be illegal, is that they have no idea what the punishment is for people who break this “would be” law. As we all know people don’t abide by the laws all the time, there are always people breaking laws. So what happens to all the moms who would “illegally” have abortions? Would they be put to death? Would they have to serve jail time? All these seem kind of harsh. I saw on a website that the punishment of an illegal abortion should be nothing, the lady said that the punishment will be handed to her when she meets god. This is makes me think that there is no point in making this illegal when we have no idea how to enforce it, how to stop people from doing it all together, or the punishment they shall receive if they did it illegally. Ask any who is Pro-Life and they will be shocked by your question “what should the punishment be for an illegal abortion” they will have no answer, a simple I haven’t really thought about it like that….
Think things all the way through people, you look stupid when you don’t…
1 comment:
its funny you have a post about abortion when I just did one about a musical about abortion i am helping to create.
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