I am back trying to keep up a little better on this now... I think so much about stuff all the time i think it is time for me to let some of it go and spill out some of my guts on this... hope you are still reading :)
Tonight was one of my friends last day in town and a couple of us went out for a bite to eat and remember some of the good times from o so long ago(like 2 years ago). Then i really started to think about things, about all sorts if things and it made me a little weary at first but then the good memories kicked in and i have never laughed harder at a dinner than i did tonight, which is a fabulous memory in itself. But one of the first subject that my mind made victim was the thought of how fast time goes, and how absolutely terrified i have become that i missing something so important. But i find comfort knowing that i am not the only struggling teenager dealing with this situation. Another thing that my mind started on was how it scary how close friends become, i have so much respect for 3 friends that can stay so close for 4 years and go through the torture that high school is. I envy that so much, sure there is tough times but "the sun always comes up tomorrow" or so they say. Now just entering college is a completely new experience that everyone i know is going through, and some are taking a tougher road then most by traveling half away across the country, and i also have the utmost respect for that as well... And with that i was driving away from one of my best friends from my high school days i cant help but to get a little worked up while remembering some of the greatest times that my life has brought to me thus far. It will never get easier to remember the past... And isn't weird that you look back now and remember how pissed you were that nothing was going on and ended up sitting in the parking lot listening to music and how that turned into some of the most defining most of your life...
Goodluck and never forget where you came from....
Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
When i first read this i was so happy. You expressed what all of us have been feeling, and have felt over the past four years. Laughing with all of you brought me back to the good ole' days when we would cause a scene and you pretended to hate it (ik you loved it:)) It felt so good to be happy and carefree with the friends i have always loved. It didn't matter that we didn't hang out as much as we did, it felt normal again to be with that group. The times when we spent doing "nothing" will be the times that i will always remember about high school. Staying out late and buying countless frostys and taco bell for you ha! I care so much about you and our group and even though it sucks not seeing eachother as much as we would all like to..we know that we are true friends and i will always cherish those moments had with you guys. Soo thank you for putting words to the new and confusing feelings we've had going thru this transition. You mean so much to me and im so glad that we have made it thru the past four or however many years being friends. can't wait for more :)
"wherever you are, it is your friends who make your world." -william james
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