Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Again.. One more case of child abuse..
Seriously what is going on when the government is trying to save a child from his mother? This is ridiculous, this mothers mind is so brainwashed into believing in her secondary world, that she is sacrificing her child's life. I just don't see how you can stare into the face of the proven scientific world, in this case 90%+, and then you just choose to ignore it.
Although I can see where she coming from. From her perspective this child will be punished in hell if he accepts this treatment, therefore this mother is not a bad person in the least bit. She was brought up and it makes sense to her that god knows all, and she chooses to think like this. I don't see that being the problem i see that there is a 13 year old boy, who is not being treated for a life threatening condition and isn't being helped. People just need to be think, just think.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Barack Obama

This man impresses me more and more every single day. HE had a flaw less speech at Notre Dame where he was faced with the angriest Christians in the world, and handled it with the utmost class and delivered a chilling speech. Now we had recently passed a bill that will cut the carbon emissions down about 1/3. This is impressive he understands that this is the only place that we have to live and is not so caught up in what else is going on in the world. That is the problem its self don't forget about the things that you think will be here forever.
"Consumers pay less for fuel, which means less money going overseas and more money to save or spend here at home. The economy as a whole runs more efficiently by using less oil and producing less pollution," he said. "And companies like those here today have new incentives to create the technologies and the jobs that will provide smarter ways to power our vehicles"
Words of Wisdom... " I pray about teeth- doesn't everyone? I don't have time to floss. You know. Hang in there, I tell them; I'll get around to you before it's too late."- Dan Quinn Ishmeal We finally are flossing
Barack Obama,
Carbon Emissions,
Dan Quinn
Warning: Distrubing Video
This is all the the "Swine" flu has brought about. This makes me sick, I cant even explain in words what is going on here. These people, not to mention in our own country, are terrified from the media making such monstrous claims about this FLU Of ALL FLUS... come on people, lets be thinkers here. To me this is just the right equation, the Swines which are all ready hated in the middle east because of what it says in the holy book are taking a even harder hit now with the fault for this Flu being put on them. I dont care how tough of a person you are if you have morals you should not be able to watch this video with out getting a little sick to your stomach... I hope the media finds some big new disease soon so we can kill of millions more harmless animals...
The Missing Link?
Sorry I have not posted in awhile things are getting hectic.. :(
This is a Tragedy that this is not front page news every where on earth. I just ran across this video recently and i see that this could be the biggest discovery in a long time. This is absolutely outstanding, do you people realize that this is where we came from? It is no almost completely confirmed, i dont understand how you can go on in your life believing in something so made up, when something so real was just dug out of the ground...
This is a Tragedy that this is not front page news every where on earth. I just ran across this video recently and i see that this could be the biggest discovery in a long time. This is absolutely outstanding, do you people realize that this is where we came from? It is no almost completely confirmed, i dont understand how you can go on in your life believing in something so made up, when something so real was just dug out of the ground...
Charles Darwin,
Friday, May 1, 2009
A Touchy Subject...

There is a very touchy subject that has been debated over for many years; it is the discussion over abortion. This has so many critics and supporters for each side. This seems to be one of the discussions that no good can come from, because you either feel real strongly against the idea, somewhat in the middle, or think it is a good idea. Everyone has their own opinion on the matter and really has no time for the other parties. I personally believe that if the mother cannot provide the baby a good life for the child it should be her decision if she wants to keep the child or not. But as you all know I am more than capable to see where the other side is coming from and how that would make some people every angry. I tend to look at things with the big picture in mind.
But the one thing that bothers me about the people you stand on the corners and demonstrate that abortion should be illegal, is that they have no idea what the punishment is for people who break this “would be” law. As we all know people don’t abide by the laws all the time, there are always people breaking laws. So what happens to all the moms who would “illegally” have abortions? Would they be put to death? Would they have to serve jail time? All these seem kind of harsh. I saw on a website that the punishment of an illegal abortion should be nothing, the lady said that the punishment will be handed to her when she meets god. This is makes me think that there is no point in making this illegal when we have no idea how to enforce it, how to stop people from doing it all together, or the punishment they shall receive if they did it illegally. Ask any who is Pro-Life and they will be shocked by your question “what should the punishment be for an illegal abortion” they will have no answer, a simple I haven’t really thought about it like that….
Think things all the way through people, you look stupid when you don’t…
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