One of the new uprising face in the republican party is Bob McDonnell. After you hear of his recent doings you will be as surprised as i am to hear that the conservatives are actually looking to him as a future leader. Scary to say the least.
First he is siding with his partner in crime in Virginia Bob Marshall in trying to cut complete funding to business such as Planned Parent Hood, which provide contraceptives and many other functions to teens.Bob Marshall also stated in a interview that babies with disabilities are God's punishment for abortion, his only logical evidence of this comes from the bible. But that's not the scary thing.
This so called leader of one of the states in the United States of America just made it legal for anyone who works for the state of Virginia to be fired solely based on their sexual orientation. This is completely sick. It is crazy to me that this party continues to deny the rights of people that are different from themselves. Maybe what makes me more sick is the fact that we can let someone like this stroll into office and change laws like that, without any challenge what so ever. Is it bad that i am losing interest in politics, i see no hope for this country. I soon hope that we will be able to look to the least likely of leaders, maybe taxi cab drivers and students should be able to have a say in things...